Vallbona de les Monges

Vallbona de les Monges

«A unique place where the passage of time is shared with the religious community of women. With 800 years of uninterrupted monastic life, it is the least known and most surprising treasure of the Cistercian Route»

Santa Maria de Vallbona is a Cistercian monastery located in the town of Vallbona in the county of Urgell.

First news date from 1153, but it was not until 1176 when it got completely integrated in the Cistercian order.

It is the only female monastery and the only route that has preserved the community continuously for over 850 years, except, of course, during times of war. Vallbona de les Monges is a beautiful monastery. Small in size and equipped with a unique beauty, it contains clear exponents of the importance of women in medieval times. In his history we find listings of the daughters of the Catalan nobility. The monastery, we highlight the two gothic domes, the largest on which rests the whole weight of the nave of the church. One of the most important features of the monastery is that we can stay overnight thanks to its well looked after inn.

The church is a fine example of Romanesque-Gothic transitional. The Latin cross plan consists of a single rectangular nave and three apses decorated with sculpture. Each of the galleries of the cloister is a different style: Arabic, Gothic and Romanesque. The chapter house (fourteenth century) has an image of Our Lady of Mercy (fifteenth century).

It was declared a historic-artistic monument in 1931.

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Recomanem fer reserva prèvia, de 10h a 19h, als telèfons:  973 33 02 66 /  639 759 442 o bé


Recomanem fer reserva prèvia,  per a grups de més de 8 persones, de 10h a 19h, als telèfons:  973 33 02 66 /  639 759 442 o bé


Tancat: els dilluns no festius, el 25 i 26 de desembre i l’1 i el 6 de gener. El divendres sant tancat només per la tarda.


Monestir de Vallbona de les Monges

Information and booking: Tel. +34 973 33 02 66

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