Century castle XV and XVI, is the highest part of the town's most dominant term. It was a great building of the Catalan Gothic flourished. Currently...
Tour of the witnesses who have shaped the history of the basin. Besides the headquarters, which shows the ethnology, archeology, history and the arts...
Explora Montblanc al teu aire! – Visita autoguiada a través del joc«Explora Montblanc al teu aire!» és una visita autoguiada en família per gaudir, a...
VERDÚOFICINA MUNICIPAL DE TURISMETel. 973 347 216 turisme@verdu.cat www.verdu.catde dimarts a dissabte, de 10 a 14 h.AJUNTAMENT DE VERDÚTel. 973 347...
Espluga Tourism invites you to discover the history of Espluga Francoli and cultural walk with the help of a map of attractions. Calendar: All year....